Screamers and Flamers to be precise (as well as a sneaky Gorebeast chariot later on)

The flamers got the same treatment my Chaos Warriors did when it came to basing, with an added bit of brass etching.

The Screamers on the other hand were another thing entirely.
Firstly; I hate flying basses and stands in general.
While the later is kinda important, I decided to sack off the clear basses.
Secondly; The flying basses are around 28/ 32mm. Not sure which.
Either way, far too small.
I took this opportunity to upgrade them to bigger basses.
This gave me some room to experiment too, which was awesome.
I finally got to use the dremel!

I decided to use slate to anchor the flight stands in and give some weight to the Screamer so they don't just fall over constantly.

Even with these big chunks of slate and the, now standard, basing scheme, they felt a little...empty.
Luckily I had already been messing about with push molds and casting various bitz.

They didn't turn out too good if I'm honest, however, they're perfect for basing!

I love that runic circle from Eldrad's base so much!
Anyway, I had to finish off the mortal contingent of my army too, so I built and based the Gorebeast chariot too.
I wanted to make it more Tzeentch themed, so I stuck a icon of Tzeentch from the Chaos Space Marines sprue on one of the poles.
I've got some more ideas for this thing, but they'll come later.

All of these basses are going to get some crackle paint before they get undercoated and painted.
That's it for now.
Feedback, conversation and constructive criticism is welcome,as always!