Thursday, 1 September 2011

2. The rebellion of a promiscuous princess.

Sorry for the delay in posting ladies, gentlemen and general scum! I'd say I'd been busy, but I don't think I've been busy enough to excuse the negligence I've shown this, and all of my other projects.
However, I do have updates, and stuff to talk about, so that's some way to making amends right?

If not, well, that's too damn bad.

So, first off The Escher gang.

  I have a desperate urge to write some back story to these ladies (and occasionally gentlemen/lady boys), hence the title. I'm thinking of having the leader of the gang be the daughter of some affluent imperial noble from some hive world. This lady will have a certain taste for the Underhive and its many, *ahem,* services. She's one of the only noticeably intelligent people in the gang; this coupled with her access to funding via daddy makes her the perfect candidate to fit somewhere in a gang hierarchy; seemingly at the top, but being manipulated by some other agent. I haven't got round to building this individual yet though so, one to ponder over when I get round to building her and start writing the back story methinks.

Whassat I hear you cry? Pics or it didn't happen!? Introducing the rest of the gang then. No stories as of yet mind. (Apologies for the shoddy camera work and the terrible links...will fix evetually).

Current leader (not the princess :P)



Converted gangers

Close up of the one that has actual painting done on it!!



As you can see, I've just started to paint them...flesh base coats only I'm afraid. At least it is a start.

 Next stop. Terrain!
Me and a couple of friends met up to play Necromunda a few months back. Before we started, we noticed that we did not have nearly enough terrain to play the damn thing. We went away disappointed, but agreed to make some terrain to get a game going.

Aleks made the first (and only other) contribution. This is his effort;

Pretty piss poor if you ask me.

I took this as a challenge. To show him how it was really done!
Here are my WiP pictures of a power plant I've been working on.

Take some insulation foam

Some Plastic Chicken Wire

...With some bits

Add a cooling tower

And Voila!! Needless to say, miles better, and with any luck, it'll look epic when it is finished (if that ever happens).

That's all for now. Hopefully that is a decent start for anyone who has actually wanted to see me post something.

Ciao for now


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