So while I am still stuck in the indecisiveness of Imperial Knight painting, and the slow crawl to having all of my Sisters infantry base coated (haven't even begun the tanks either) I needed to something to fill my hobby time.
Time for the resurrection of my original 40k army; The Space Marines.
For years I'd left them to one side, not sure what to do with them.
A few year ago, I decided upon Salamanders to Collect, with another Space MArine army (The Marines Malevolent) being used as a 'house army' for visiting players.
These projects have languished in obscurity... untouched, and unloved.... but slowly gathering resources for a time when they would finally resurface.
That time has come!
Resurrected from the ashes of Space Marine armies past, this is a project based around re purposing my old Space Marine army.
breaking it down and building it back up better than before.
This was a concept model, using bits form various kits, including forge world and spell crow stuff.
I've since done quite a lot more, and will post about those soon.
Here's the production line shot.
You can make out a few more models here and there... I'll post some more of them soon if I don't get the urge to paint the knight!
Anyway, until then, stay classy Underhivers!