I'ma just leave this here...
I am excited.
Expect to see my Escher gang return!
A hobby blog from DarKHaZZl3; the writer of 'The science of selling yourself short' and owner of 'The Cardboard Cartographer'.
Created from a need to canvas opinions, and keep track of all things hobby related. Anything Warhammer 40,000 to Fantasy to Necromunda.
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Thursday, 3 August 2017
131. Bolt of Tzeentch - Tzeetch Sorcerer, Hall of Honour. Tzeentch Disciples part 11.
My Tzeentch Sorcerer enters into my 'Hall of Honour.'
It is finally finished...

The picture isn't of the best quality, and the face isn't the best either (but then, I think that's at least a little down to the sculpt).
That's two models finished!
I think that's a record for any of my armies to be fair!
Expect little progress for a while as I work on several other things at once!
Until then!
Age of Sigmar,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Green Stuff,
Hall of Honour,
Slaves to Darkness,
Saturday, 29 July 2017
130. Boon of Mutation. Tzeetch Disciples part 10.
While doing the shields I also did some work on the Warriros...
Usually I'm not a huge fan of mutations on models, but I felt that some well placed, thematic/ relevant mutations here and there would really sell the Tzeentch and CHaos theme of the Warriors, who are a little too 'clean' usually.
Speaking of, the 5 'clean' Warriors.

Just a little Green Stuff work to fill in the mold lines on the fur.
The next 5 were my 'front rank.'
Back in the old Warhammer Fantasy Days, the front 5 models usually formed the first rank and therefore had to be slightly better looking XD

This was a simple kitbash; I took a bit from the 40K possessed Chaos Space Marines to replace his combat weapon.
The next was also a quick kitbash, taking the head from the Chaos Spawn kit

As for my 'Command,' I have a musician; using the head from the old metal Chaos Space Marine Lord model...

The squad leader/ vertan/ sergant/ champion

And finally my personal favortie, the banner bearer.

For this guy I sculpted my own tentacle arm to hold the banner pole.
This was done by using my usual Green Stuff Mix and using the rolling tool made by Green Stuff World.
And that's the whole unit built.

Left the shield and banner off for painting (like that'll happen)
And with that, my 1000 pts Aos army is fully built.
Since building it, I've changed a few of the spells and items round, but I'm fairly happy with the list.
It is really fun to play with, and I'd like to think it represents the narrative I've set for the army quite well.
Though, I do plan on going back to it at some point and having a tinker around here and there, see if I can't make it a bit more fitting.
But that's all for now.
Remember, if you want to see what I'm currently working on, I'm much more active on Instagram, and I stream painting sessions on my Twitch, so click those links for more stuff!
Catch you soon
Age of Sigmar,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Green Stuff,
Slaves to Darkness,
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
129. Mystic Shield. Tzeentch Disciples part 9.
Yeah, more form the 'catching up with stuff I've already finished' set of pictures
I got round to 'Tzeetchifying' all of my Warriors of Chaos.
One of the ways I wanted to do this was by adding some Tzeentch iconography to the models.
The easiest way I could think of was to convert the shields.
I'd seen the awesome Tzeetch Shields from Silver Tower and decided to nab some stuff from that.
I used some blue stuff to make some press molds...

... and then just 'printed' some shield details

A little bit of chain to give it a more traditional warriors of Chaos aesthetic.

And the shields are all done!

On to the actual Warriors!
I got round to 'Tzeetchifying' all of my Warriors of Chaos.
One of the ways I wanted to do this was by adding some Tzeentch iconography to the models.
The easiest way I could think of was to convert the shields.
I'd seen the awesome Tzeetch Shields from Silver Tower and decided to nab some stuff from that.
I used some blue stuff to make some press molds...

... and then just 'printed' some shield details

A little bit of chain to give it a more traditional warriors of Chaos aesthetic.

And the shields are all done!

On to the actual Warriors!
Age of Sigmar,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Green Stuff,
Slaves to Darkness,
Friday, 21 July 2017
128. Lore of Fate. Tzeentch Disciples part 8.
So apparently I've had a god chunk of photos uploaded for a while of stuff I'd been working on.
I'm going to work through them in the next few weeks to bring you up to speed!
So you may remember I was working through my Age of Sigmar Tzeentch Army; making custom basses and such.
Well, I've done a considerable amount of work on them over the course of a few months.
Here is a bit of a work in progress shot of one of my Chaos Tzeentch Sorcerers.

I've continued the 'nebula' esq theme I did on the tester model on this guy too...
I kinda want all of the army to this aesthetic in one way or another.

I've also borrowed very heavily from the old school thousand son aesthetic of blue and gold.
I think it blends in wlel with the Silver Tower theme and the nebula scheme.
I have actually finished this guy.
You'll get a 'Hall of Honour' post soon ;)
I'm going to work through them in the next few weeks to bring you up to speed!
So you may remember I was working through my Age of Sigmar Tzeentch Army; making custom basses and such.
Well, I've done a considerable amount of work on them over the course of a few months.
Here is a bit of a work in progress shot of one of my Chaos Tzeentch Sorcerers.

I've continued the 'nebula' esq theme I did on the tester model on this guy too...
I kinda want all of the army to this aesthetic in one way or another.

I've also borrowed very heavily from the old school thousand son aesthetic of blue and gold.
I think it blends in wlel with the Silver Tower theme and the nebula scheme.
I have actually finished this guy.
You'll get a 'Hall of Honour' post soon ;)
Age of Sigmar,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Slaves to Darkness,
Sunday, 16 July 2017
127. Testing Terryn. Imperial Knight part 4.
As always, let's start this off with...
Sorry folks, I've just been not great at stuff.
I'm trying to get back into things, so stay tuned to my various outlets for more info.
On to hobby talk.
So, the new 40k came out...
I'm not totally sold yet.
Mechanically I can deal, however, it currently lacks flavor.
This is something I think the new Codex books will add in, and when they do, I'll be back in it.
But until then, I think I'm mainly gonna play AOS, Bloodbowl and other stuff.
To that end I've mainly been doing some AOS painting.
If you follow me on Instagram you've probably already seen a lot of this, but I'm posting here because I probably should have done that to start with.
So, the first thing back here will be the earliest painted thing I guess
The Imperial Knight .
I finally decided on a scheme ( I think XD )
I'm going for house Terryn, but with a significantly higher contrasting colours; more depth, gradients and richer colours all around.
This is my tester shoulder pad (I for some reason ad one spare)

I'm also not a big fan of the Terryan transfers.
I know there is a third party resin pad available, but it just doesn't quite look right to me, so I decided to have a 'quick' go at free handing the iconography.

I know the eagle isn't quite right, and the Diamonds are also placed slightly weirdly, but then, this is why we do tester models, right?
That's all for now.
40k updates may be less frequent, but I've got a chunk of other stuff to throw up here, so stay tuned Underhivers!
Sorry folks, I've just been not great at stuff.
I'm trying to get back into things, so stay tuned to my various outlets for more info.
On to hobby talk.
So, the new 40k came out...
I'm not totally sold yet.
Mechanically I can deal, however, it currently lacks flavor.
This is something I think the new Codex books will add in, and when they do, I'll be back in it.
But until then, I think I'm mainly gonna play AOS, Bloodbowl and other stuff.
To that end I've mainly been doing some AOS painting.
If you follow me on Instagram you've probably already seen a lot of this, but I'm posting here because I probably should have done that to start with.
So, the first thing back here will be the earliest painted thing I guess
The Imperial Knight .
I finally decided on a scheme ( I think XD )
I'm going for house Terryn, but with a significantly higher contrasting colours; more depth, gradients and richer colours all around.
This is my tester shoulder pad (I for some reason ad one spare)
I'm also not a big fan of the Terryan transfers.
I know there is a third party resin pad available, but it just doesn't quite look right to me, so I decided to have a 'quick' go at free handing the iconography.
I know the eagle isn't quite right, and the Diamonds are also placed slightly weirdly, but then, this is why we do tester models, right?
That's all for now.
40k updates may be less frequent, but I've got a chunk of other stuff to throw up here, so stay tuned Underhivers!
Friday, 10 March 2017
125. Screaming fire. Tzeentch Disciples part 7.
There be daemons.
Screamers and Flamers to be precise (as well as a sneaky Gorebeast chariot later on)

The flamers got the same treatment my Chaos Warriors did when it came to basing, with an added bit of brass etching.

The Screamers on the other hand were another thing entirely.
Firstly; I hate flying basses and stands in general.
While the later is kinda important, I decided to sack off the clear basses.
Secondly; The flying basses are around 28/ 32mm. Not sure which.
Either way, far too small.
I took this opportunity to upgrade them to bigger basses.
This gave me some room to experiment too, which was awesome.
I finally got to use the dremel!

I decided to use slate to anchor the flight stands in and give some weight to the Screamer so they don't just fall over constantly.

Even with these big chunks of slate and the, now standard, basing scheme, they felt a little...empty.
Luckily I had already been messing about with push molds and casting various bitz.

They didn't turn out too good if I'm honest, however, they're perfect for basing!

I love that runic circle from Eldrad's base so much!
Anyway, I had to finish off the mortal contingent of my army too, so I built and based the Gorebeast chariot too.
I wanted to make it more Tzeentch themed, so I stuck a icon of Tzeentch from the Chaos Space Marines sprue on one of the poles.
I've got some more ideas for this thing, but they'll come later.

All of these basses are going to get some crackle paint before they get undercoated and painted.
That's it for now.
Feedback, conversation and constructive criticism is welcome,as always!
Screamers and Flamers to be precise (as well as a sneaky Gorebeast chariot later on)

The flamers got the same treatment my Chaos Warriors did when it came to basing, with an added bit of brass etching.

The Screamers on the other hand were another thing entirely.
Firstly; I hate flying basses and stands in general.
While the later is kinda important, I decided to sack off the clear basses.
Secondly; The flying basses are around 28/ 32mm. Not sure which.
Either way, far too small.
I took this opportunity to upgrade them to bigger basses.
This gave me some room to experiment too, which was awesome.
I finally got to use the dremel!

I decided to use slate to anchor the flight stands in and give some weight to the Screamer so they don't just fall over constantly.

Even with these big chunks of slate and the, now standard, basing scheme, they felt a little...empty.
Luckily I had already been messing about with push molds and casting various bitz.

They didn't turn out too good if I'm honest, however, they're perfect for basing!

I love that runic circle from Eldrad's base so much!
Anyway, I had to finish off the mortal contingent of my army too, so I built and based the Gorebeast chariot too.
I wanted to make it more Tzeentch themed, so I stuck a icon of Tzeentch from the Chaos Space Marines sprue on one of the poles.
I've got some more ideas for this thing, but they'll come later.

All of these basses are going to get some crackle paint before they get undercoated and painted.
That's it for now.
Feedback, conversation and constructive criticism is welcome,as always!
Age of Sigmar,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Slaves to Darkness,
Monday, 6 March 2017
124. Scrolls of power. Tzeentch Disciples part 6.
It's a wall of text update!
In all seriousness this is the post I said I would do in 122.
1k Tzeentch Disciples list: Godsworn Champions of Ruin:
Exalted Hero of Chaos:
Sorcerer Lord
10 Chaos Warriors
Gorebeast Chariot
Gaunt Summoner
10 Pink Horrors
3 Flamers
General - GS w/ Magical Supremacy
Artifacts of Power:
EHoC - Timeslip Pendant
Gaunt - Souldraught
Spells: Arcane Bolt, Mystic Sheild
GS -Infernal Flames, Tzeentch's Firestorm, Glimpse The Future
SL - Daemonic Power, Shield of Fate
PH's - Bolt of Tzeentch
I've played a couple of games with it so far.
Destiny Dice are amazing (Yay Glimpse The Future).
1 got slaughtered in my first, but because of the DD's I managed to keep bringing horrors back on every bravery check.
My opponent. ended up killing about 37 from a unit of 10 XD
In my second game I was on the back foot until I had 1 good turn of magic, inflicting 22 mortal wounds from 3 spells.
Things that I've learned:
Pink horrors are kinda pointless... blue horrors are better value.
PH's would be great if you didn't have to pay the points for the BH's you split into, but alas, you do.
Going forward I'll replace PH's with BH's and just use Chaos Marauders for battleline.
Big things are hard as fuck to kill.
The Gorebeast isn't big enough.
I need to add a Lord of Change as soon as I can haha
Anyway, that's it.
If you have any feedback, constructive criticism or advice, then I'm all ears.
( I know I should be running Arcanites and Tzangors, but I don't have the money for them XD)
Until next time .
Age of Sigmar,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Slaves to Darkness,
Saturday, 4 March 2017
123. Timeslip. Tzeentch Disciples part 5.
A few weeks ago I posted that I'd started painting my Exalted Hero of Chaos (Tzeentch).
Well, he's done!
I know!!
I wanted to get him done to enter him in a local painting competition.
So I set to my task and didn't stop...
I finished him a while ago, but I thought I'd wait until after they chose the winner.

It took about 24 hours-ish total.
It will be a bit more purple that the rest of the army, but I'm okay with that.
Feedback, conversation and constructive criticism welcome!
Well, he's done!
I know!!
I wanted to get him done to enter him in a local painting competition.
So I set to my task and didn't stop...
I finished him a while ago, but I thought I'd wait until after they chose the winner.

It took about 24 hours-ish total.
It will be a bit more purple that the rest of the army, but I'm okay with that.
Feedback, conversation and constructive criticism welcome!
Age of Sigmar,
Chaos Warriors,
Discples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Slaves to Darkness,
Tzeentch Disciples,
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
122. The silver ruin. Tzeentch Disciples part 4.
So I've done a lot of work on my Tzeentch Chaos army for Age of Sigmar.
(Sorry 40k fans)
I can't remember if I said it, but I'll say it again; I'm basing my army around The Silver Tower...
Or rather the ruins of it.
After the Gaunt Summoner's plans were foiled by a band of adventurers, the magic forces keeping The Silver Tower functioning dissipated.
With the destruction of the Tower, the Gaunt Summoner called out across the realms of magic for allies.
Mortal followers of Tzeentch flocked to an the daemonic avatar of their deity, while daemons were summoned into being to wage war his the Gaunt Summoners behalf.
That's it.
Silver Tower...but a bit fucked.
So with that in mind I wrote up a 1k list (pitched battle is so much easier to organise)and set about building and basing the list (I'll post it in another post).
The Warriors got their basses done (minus the crackle paint, which will come later).

I've done some greenstuff on some of the basses (push molds of various bitz and pieces), as well as some patterns cut from thing plasticard to mimic the banding the Silver Tower boards have in the background.
The rest is Cork and various grits of sand to represent rubble.
As well as my own basses I've thrown in a few shattered dominion basses as they fit The Silver Tower theme really well.

As well as the warriors, I built/ based all of the characters from the list.
Exalted Hero:
I really wanted a base to mirror his pose; something heavily in the same direction he's pointing to give it a bit more gravitas, and with a bit of elevation to explain the billowing cape.

Chaos Sorcerer:
Given all of my characters are going to be slightly raised, I felt it was only fair this diminutive guy got a bit of a height boost too.
Also, he is kinda looking down, so the added height means the pose makes more sense.

The green stuff on his back is a push mold from the Burning Chariot of Tzeetch's Disc.
Gaunt Summoner/ Tzeentch Herald:
On foot;
I first started collecting Tzeentch for Age of Sigmar when the Generals Handbook came out.
We we're running a campaign in store (the summer of war world wide campaign to be exact) and we were encouraged to collect an army for it.Back then trying to run a mono Tzeentch daemon list was doable, but terrible, so this guy was my Tzeentch Herald.
Now I've given up on that idea, he's my Gaunt Summoner.
The runic greenstuff is a push mold of Eldrad Ulthuan's base from Deathmask.

Made from a Chaos Sorcerer lord model, some bitz from the burning chariot/ Tzeentch herald on Chariot and some green stuff tentacles to tie it in with the Horror aesthetic.
On disc;

I have no idea where I found that crystal.
That's all for now.
Next up on the chopping block is some Daemons and a Gorebeast Chariot!
Also, a lot of painting....
Feedback/ conversation and constructive criticism welcome!
Until next time
(Sorry 40k fans)
I can't remember if I said it, but I'll say it again; I'm basing my army around The Silver Tower...
Or rather the ruins of it.
After the Gaunt Summoner's plans were foiled by a band of adventurers, the magic forces keeping The Silver Tower functioning dissipated.
With the destruction of the Tower, the Gaunt Summoner called out across the realms of magic for allies.
Mortal followers of Tzeentch flocked to an the daemonic avatar of their deity, while daemons were summoned into being to wage war his the Gaunt Summoners behalf.
That's it.
Silver Tower...but a bit fucked.
So with that in mind I wrote up a 1k list (pitched battle is so much easier to organise)and set about building and basing the list (I'll post it in another post).
The Warriors got their basses done (minus the crackle paint, which will come later).

I've done some greenstuff on some of the basses (push molds of various bitz and pieces), as well as some patterns cut from thing plasticard to mimic the banding the Silver Tower boards have in the background.
The rest is Cork and various grits of sand to represent rubble.
As well as my own basses I've thrown in a few shattered dominion basses as they fit The Silver Tower theme really well.

As well as the warriors, I built/ based all of the characters from the list.
Exalted Hero:
I really wanted a base to mirror his pose; something heavily in the same direction he's pointing to give it a bit more gravitas, and with a bit of elevation to explain the billowing cape.

Chaos Sorcerer:
Given all of my characters are going to be slightly raised, I felt it was only fair this diminutive guy got a bit of a height boost too.
Also, he is kinda looking down, so the added height means the pose makes more sense.

The green stuff on his back is a push mold from the Burning Chariot of Tzeetch's Disc.
Gaunt Summoner/ Tzeentch Herald:
On foot;
I first started collecting Tzeentch for Age of Sigmar when the Generals Handbook came out.
We we're running a campaign in store (the summer of war world wide campaign to be exact) and we were encouraged to collect an army for it.Back then trying to run a mono Tzeentch daemon list was doable, but terrible, so this guy was my Tzeentch Herald.
Now I've given up on that idea, he's my Gaunt Summoner.
The runic greenstuff is a push mold of Eldrad Ulthuan's base from Deathmask.

Made from a Chaos Sorcerer lord model, some bitz from the burning chariot/ Tzeentch herald on Chariot and some green stuff tentacles to tie it in with the Horror aesthetic.
On disc;

I have no idea where I found that crystal.
That's all for now.
Next up on the chopping block is some Daemons and a Gorebeast Chariot!
Also, a lot of painting....
Feedback/ conversation and constructive criticism welcome!
Until next time
Age of Sigmar,
Chaos Warriors,
Disciples of Tzeentch,
Games Workshop,
Grand Alliance Chaos,
Slaves to Darkness,
Tzeentch Disciples,
WIP Greenstuff
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