While doing the shields I also did some work on the Warriros...
Usually I'm not a huge fan of mutations on models, but I felt that some well placed, thematic/ relevant mutations here and there would really sell the Tzeentch and CHaos theme of the Warriors, who are a little too 'clean' usually.
Speaking of, the 5 'clean' Warriors.

Just a little Green Stuff work to fill in the mold lines on the fur.
The next 5 were my 'front rank.'
Back in the old Warhammer Fantasy Days, the front 5 models usually formed the first rank and therefore had to be slightly better looking XD

This was a simple kitbash; I took a bit from the 40K possessed Chaos Space Marines to replace his combat weapon.
The next was also a quick kitbash, taking the head from the Chaos Spawn kit

As for my 'Command,' I have a musician; using the head from the old metal Chaos Space Marine Lord model...

The squad leader/ vertan/ sergant/ champion

And finally my personal favortie, the banner bearer.

For this guy I sculpted my own tentacle arm to hold the banner pole.
This was done by using my usual Green Stuff Mix and using the rolling tool made by Green Stuff World.
And that's the whole unit built.

Left the shield and banner off for painting (like that'll happen)
And with that, my 1000 pts Aos army is fully built.
Since building it, I've changed a few of the spells and items round, but I'm fairly happy with the list.
It is really fun to play with, and I'd like to think it represents the narrative I've set for the army quite well.
Though, I do plan on going back to it at some point and having a tinker around here and there, see if I can't make it a bit more fitting.
But that's all for now.
Remember, if you want to see what I'm currently working on, I'm much more active on Instagram, and I stream painting sessions on my Twitch, so click those links for more stuff!
Catch you soon