A hobby blog from DarKHaZZl3; the writer of 'The science of selling yourself short' and owner of 'The Cardboard Cartographer'.
Created from a need to canvas opinions, and keep track of all things hobby related. Anything Warhammer 40,000 to Fantasy to Necromunda.
Well, almost... the basses need finishing, and I need to add their numbers, but as they'll be the same colours for the Human team, I'll just do them all in 1 go. I'll hopefully post a picture when that happens. The group shot is a bit terrible. I need to seriously invest in upping my photography game (lights, lightbox, camera... everything) Managed to snap some better individual shots though. I wont call this project complete until I've added those last detail, but for now, it's on to the human team
As I stated the other day, I've started running 'A Tale of Many Hobbyists for my local gaming club.
A good chunk of the pledges I made were to work on some old Bloodbowl models I shared with you guys on here yeaarrrsss ago (in 2013 to be exact in the post '19-random-update-but-it-has-models-so.') Well, we have progress!
I've got the Green to where I want the base colour to start at.
I'm going for a super old school 80's/90's vibe, so bright saturated Green.
This took about 5/6 layers between Caliban Green and Warpstone Glow (mixing them in between) and a fairly heavy wash of Biel Tan.
Form here it's highlights and some darker shading on the Black Orks.
And of course, all the other colours...
But yes, progress has been made, which is the whole point of the 'A Tale of Many Hobbyists.'
In case I haven't mentioned this before, I run a Hobby Club called West Midlands Wizards based in, shockingly, the West Midlands.
I'm in charge of events for the club (either running them, or coordinating) and one of the events I've set up is 'A Tale of Many Hobbyists.'
In case you haven't heard of this kind of event, it is something Games Workshop used to do in White Dwarf (I think they still do occasionally), where several Hobbyists, get together, set a target, and work towards an end goal.
This used ot take the form of 'A Tale of Many Gamers,' with players growing their force each month, and taking part of a linked campaign.
While I'd love to run this, the pace is slightly relentless, and in addition, not everyone in the club games or collects large projects.
So I decided to run 'A Tale of Many Hobbyists.'
The year is split in to 4 separate parts, and at each intersection, participants set up a hobby goal to work towards.
At the end of the year, we'll all have made some awesome progress... and conveniently, completely (hopefully) a specific project in time for another event I've set up, 'Project of the Year (which is something we can talk about later).
I digress.
My hobby goal for the first 3 months is to get some of my long standing projects completed.
First and foremost I want to get Leman Russ finished (Ideally in time for the next trip I go on to Warhammer World)
In addition, my 2 classic Bloodbowl teams
The Orks:
The Humans:
On top of this, I want to finish my Lord Relictor:
These have all been started, but considering how long I paint, it is something a little ambitious for me!
How about you guys? Would you like to join in?
The first part, consisting of 3 months, runs from February 2nd and concludes May 3rd.
Hit me up on here, my Twitter or my Instagram with your pledges and progress if you do!
I'll try to post progress at least once each month
So, I haven't posted here for a good long time.
If I go into detail, it will be over at The Science of Selling Yourself Short In terms of the hobby I've been all over the place.
First off I've been running a gaming club for the last 6-ish months. It has taken a lot of my focus, and to make up for it, I'll p[probably post the content I've made for it on here (once it's concluded)
Second, I've invested a lot of time on a commission paint job I took on quite some time ago.
Despite being told I have no reason to rush, or feel pressured, I couldn't help but put pressure on myself.
This has meant that, not only have I not finished the commission itself, but also, I've felt guilty working on anything of my own... to the point I've been super inspired and excited to do a thing, but haven't allowed myself to do it.
Third, I've taken a big break from 40k.
I have mentioned this previously, but I'm not totally sold on the new 40k.
It's been several months, I've played a good few games and read a good amount of the material, and I just don't much care for it.
It lacks flavour, it lacks theme based mechanics (which is the draw of a game like 40k) and it lacks finesse.
I think I'm going to stick to AOS for gaming for the foreseeable future (unless a few of us want play some previous editions/ 30K)
That being said, I obviously still love the theme, the flavour and the miniatures.
So on that note, I have a thing to show you.
Recently, a member of the club I help run has just finished running a painting competition on his Instagram.
The challenge was to paint a Space Marine in his homebrew chapters colour scheme.
As I need a bit of a kick up the ass to make any progress.
Here you go:
I think the whole thing took me about 8 hours, and reminded me of how much I hate painting white.
Anyway, hopefully I'll start getting back into some 40k stuff, and my hobby in general.