(Before I start, I don't know what is going on with the font size. Working on a fix. Sorry guys!)
So hi guys. About time I did something around here right? Wrong!
So hi guys. About time I did something around here right? Wrong!
actually...wait...I am doing something? Oh. My. GLOB.
My last update was all about the imminent integration of my power armoured blog
'A road to glory' into the Underhive hero... Well, here it is! A Road to Glory.
Sisters of Battle part 1!
The Sister of Battle - L'Ordre des Angels (The
Order of Angels).
As part of my 'Armies of the Imperium' collection I am doing a Sisters of Battle
army. I intend to have some sort of background for my 'Armies of the
Imperium,' so they end up in the same star system/ immediate vicinity of each
other. As such, they'll have some unifying visual theme to them to tie them in
with the rest of my models (...ish/within reason/ reasonable effort/ if I can
figure one out... I'll come back to that in the future).
This army was originally my gaming army, as I had a list that I was comfortable
with and had enjoyed relatively decent success with. However, the latest
iteration of the Codex has made some vital changes making this army no longer
viable (Which is something that has happened across the board actually). As
such I am in the process of getting a list up and running *cough* and have
been for about half a year *cough,* whatdidyousayyouhereticscum?!!
I'll start with some creative stuff (lists can get dull right?).
First off some more text.
If you can't tell/ haven't used Google translate yet, the name 'L'Ordre des
Angels' is a bastardisation of Latin and English, meaning The Order of Angels
when translated.
The name, and all other stuff in this army will follow the basic patterns/concepts drawn on from the sisters background material and traditional iconography.
To put it simply Sisters = Fleur de Lyses = French = European = Latin origins.
All the slogans and text will be a bastardised of French, Latin and obviously English.
The name, and all other stuff in this army will follow the basic patterns/concepts drawn on from the sisters background material and traditional iconography.
To put it simply Sisters = Fleur de Lyses = French = European = Latin origins.
All the slogans and text will be a bastardised of French, Latin and obviously English.
Example you
say? DIE HERETIC SCU... NO!. Stop! Bad evangelical armoured killing machine.
The main two 'war cries' will be 'Cometh the Angels'
and 'By Faith and Fire,' or rather 'Venit Angeli' and 'Fide et Igni.'
Maybe a shout and response kind thing. I don't know.
Maybe a shout and response kind thing. I don't know.
Having European iconography and linguistic origins, I thought I'd carry on that
tie (that GW plays on a fair amount when it comes to the Ecclesiarchy and the
Imperial Cult), and tie in some more real world religious material.
As such, I
wrote a battle hymn for them.
It's called
'Cometh the Angels' and is suitably righteous/violent.
'By the Emperor's will,
Fire reigns down to smite the heretic.
By his eternal grace
Faith will protect the pious.
In his name the Angels cometh.
By faith and fire we triumph.
By Faith and Fire!'
Fire reigns down to smite the heretic.
By his eternal grace
Faith will protect the pious.
In his name the Angels cometh.
By faith and fire we triumph.
By Faith and Fire!'
Big chunks
of text done for now. Promise!
Second the visuals.
First off, I don't plan too many major conversions or crazy epic bases...
mainly because the entire army is bloody metal! I'll do my best to keep it as
fresh as I can... but... well... we'll have to see.
Fairly simple. Bone armour plates and Purple robes. Gold details. Boltgun will be silver and another colour, yet to be decided...
My problem is tying it in with the rest of my 'Amries of the Imperium.' For some reason I'm drawn to Green as a unifying colour (My Space marines are green, my grey knights have green instead of red details...).
So I came up with a 'Campaign' variant
Don't know how I feel about it. So I
want some feedback here.
You want some more visuals? You cheeky HERE.. *Ahem.*
Well I did drawn up this as part of my project planning process;
You want some more visuals? You cheeky HERE.. *Ahem.*
Well I did drawn up this as part of my project planning process;
This is one of my banner concepts. You have the traditional Adeptus Ministorum iconography in the Imperial 'I' and the 'Iron Halo.' The Halo image is meant to sort of tie in with the angelic wings around the heart (The Ecclesiarchy being the 'heart' and soul of the Imperial Cult, no?). There is meant to be a sort of glowing Aura/cheesy japanese-esq sun ray pattern coming from the Halo, and the Icon itself is going to floating above some cloud formations..
No fully painted models I'm afraid... Sorry brahh.
Feel free to leave me some feedback, give me some ideas and/or insult me for being a goody goody loyalist. YOU! HERETIC!
Hey, you can't talk about evangelical militant warrior nuns without a bit of crazy accusations right?