So almost back to sporadic update
Genuinely sorry about that denizens of the interwebs. The past couple of weeks have been problematic.
Firstly, I had some decorating done to my bedroom which killed my ability to do anything on my computer for almost a whole week.
Also this meant there was nowhere I could paint comfortably. Bunded.
Secondly, I ran into a couple of roadblocks with my board. I have overcome them, but it was a bit of a setback. More on that in a separate post I guess.
So this update will be about what I filled that time with; some sisters stuff.
I finally got around to writing a 'take on all opponents' list of 1,500 pts.
Genuinely sorry about that denizens of the interwebs. The past couple of weeks have been problematic.
Firstly, I had some decorating done to my bedroom which killed my ability to do anything on my computer for almost a whole week.
Also this meant there was nowhere I could paint comfortably. Bunded.
Secondly, I ran into a couple of roadblocks with my board. I have overcome them, but it was a bit of a setback. More on that in a separate post I guess.
So this update will be about what I filled that time with; some sisters stuff.
I finally got around to writing a 'take on all opponents' list of 1,500 pts.
- St, Celestine
- Uriah Jacobs
- Squad of Seraphim - 7 Sisters + 2 pairs of hand flamers + Eviscerator
- Battle sister squad 1 - 10 sisters + Multi-Melta + storm bolter + Simulacrum Imperialis + combo-flamer
- Battle sister squad 2 - 10 sisters + 2 Melta
guns + combi-flamer + Simulacrum Imperialis
Rhino+ extra armour + search lights - Battle sister squad 3 - 10 sisters + 2
flamers + Melta bombs
Rhino + extra armour + search lights - Exorcist
- Exorcist
- Squad of Retributors - 10 Sisters + 4 Heavy Bolters + Simulacrum Imperialis
- Aegis defence line + Quad Gun
It is
hard to talk tactics with a 'take on all' list.
The general plan is for squad 1 to hold the home objective accompanied by the Retributors. These will lay down supporting fire whilst being surrounded by the Aegis defence line; this gives them their 3+ armour save, 6+ invulnerable save, and a 4+ cover save. I am hoping that this will make the two squads fairly survivable.
Accompanying these two squads will be Uriah Jacobs.
He will primarily be dropped into squad 1. As well as holding the home objective it will be their task, and Jacobs, will be to operate the quad gun.
This gives me the army's only available anti-air option. Which with a 3+/6+ 4+ cover and Jacobs feel no pain, should be fairly survivable and defensible. In addition, Jacobs gives the unit he joins an extra attack. Something which could prove vital for defending that home objective.
If there is no home objective/ no objectives at all, squad 1 will support wherever the fighting is thickest/provide support where necessary, with Jacobs in tow.
The other squads can vie for the other objectives.
The rhinos give the sisters some flexibility in which objective/area they focus on. 1 Squads is tooled for anti armour; 2 Meltas, and the other infantry; 2 flamers. They both have contingency plans; the Melta bombs and combi flamer.
Anything tough will be tied up by the seraphim. Again, the seraphim's main objective is anti-infantry; the Eviscerator does give the unit a bit of oomph when it comes to combating armour. As for heavily armoured infantry, well, that is where Celestine comes into play. She's dirty hard for her points cost. against armies with decent elite units the Seraphim pretty much act as a Celestine delivery unit.
I know it is not a perfect tactical framework by any stretch of the imagination, but with a decent mix of speed, and firepower, I am hoping that the list will remain flexible enough to have a decent stab at any army.
Any comments on the list, feel free to drop me a comment.
Anyway. Enough text. Here's some, very much work in progress, pictures of the army (without the defence line).
The general plan is for squad 1 to hold the home objective accompanied by the Retributors. These will lay down supporting fire whilst being surrounded by the Aegis defence line; this gives them their 3+ armour save, 6+ invulnerable save, and a 4+ cover save. I am hoping that this will make the two squads fairly survivable.
Accompanying these two squads will be Uriah Jacobs.
He will primarily be dropped into squad 1. As well as holding the home objective it will be their task, and Jacobs, will be to operate the quad gun.
This gives me the army's only available anti-air option. Which with a 3+/6+ 4+ cover and Jacobs feel no pain, should be fairly survivable and defensible. In addition, Jacobs gives the unit he joins an extra attack. Something which could prove vital for defending that home objective.
If there is no home objective/ no objectives at all, squad 1 will support wherever the fighting is thickest/provide support where necessary, with Jacobs in tow.
The other squads can vie for the other objectives.
The rhinos give the sisters some flexibility in which objective/area they focus on. 1 Squads is tooled for anti armour; 2 Meltas, and the other infantry; 2 flamers. They both have contingency plans; the Melta bombs and combi flamer.
Anything tough will be tied up by the seraphim. Again, the seraphim's main objective is anti-infantry; the Eviscerator does give the unit a bit of oomph when it comes to combating armour. As for heavily armoured infantry, well, that is where Celestine comes into play. She's dirty hard for her points cost. against armies with decent elite units the Seraphim pretty much act as a Celestine delivery unit.
I know it is not a perfect tactical framework by any stretch of the imagination, but with a decent mix of speed, and firepower, I am hoping that the list will remain flexible enough to have a decent stab at any army.
Any comments on the list, feel free to drop me a comment.
Anyway. Enough text. Here's some, very much work in progress, pictures of the army (without the defence line).
I did only have 5 seraphim, so I had to convert a
couple extra. For the Superior I just used the Canoness model, I converted to old
superior to hold a bolt pistol. The second hand flamer sister was slightly more
complex, but I think it turned out okay.
I'll walk you all through it, just in case you wanna pinch the idea :P.
Start off with your base model. I chose the sister lobbing the grenade (seemed fitting/easier than the others to convert).
Cut away the Gun;
And now to build the hand flamer. I tried to base it
off the metal sisters version.
You will need;
A knife,
Some glue,
A Bolt pistol,
A Metla gun,
A Flamer.
You will need;
A knife,
Some glue,
A Bolt pistol,
A Metla gun,
A Flamer.
First off, cut off the bolt pistols barrel and put it to one side. Then replace it with the muzzel from the metla gun.
Next, cut away the muzzle from the flamer. Gently remove the pre-igniter,
Finally, attach the pre-igniter underneath the 'hand flamers' muzzle, and attach the bolt pistol barrel to the end of the muzzle.
For added Flamerness, cut away the bolt pistols magazine and replace it with a
flamer canister.
Stick it on your base model...
And you are done!
Anyway. That is enough about the sisters for now.
Expect some updates in rapid order. Playing catch up!
Peace out.
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