another update in only a few days? madness.
But here we are, and today we're talking Age of Sigmar and/ or Bloodbowl.
So, AOS is a thing.
rather than butcher my WFB army I decided to start a brand new army for AOS.
But as I flicked through the rules I just couldn't settle on an army to play as.
Fast forward a little bit, and I'm talking to some folk about Bloodbowl.
I'm personally a big fan of the game, especially the PC version as it is a directed copy of the boardgame.
It hit me as we were having this conversation, that because of the round basses in AOs I could these miniatures in a Bloodbowl team!
In Bloodbowl I predominantly play Lizardmen, so I thought it would be a good AOS army to start with, as it would give me the excuse to collect a Lizardmen team too.
So after writing a quick team roster (1 Kroxigor, 5 Saurus, 7 Skins) I set about starting the team with the big guy first.

In AOS the minimum Kroxigor unit size is three, so I'll have to work on a couple more too

A subtle head position change

And a not so subtle leg change. I had to saw it into a couple of parts to get the positioning to a point where I was happy with it.

A lot more work to go on these guys.
A little bit of gap filling and sculpting too.
Will post more as and when I get it done, but for now, sleep.
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