Part of this Space Marine project involves recycling my old Space Marine models.
They; like a lot of my projects several years ago, did not receive the care and attention to detail they deserve when I first built them.
So like my other projects, it is time to get these up to scratch.
So on that note here is the start of the new squad with their Librarian.
The eagle eyed of you may have spotted the main recycled marine in the squad...
Here he is in his previous iteration.
Swapped out the hammer for a chainsword to keep the number of hammers down slightly.
I always like having a Space Marine captain (even if I don't use them), so after re-purposing the previous captain I decided to make a new one, by re -using another old model.
This guy is made from my very first kit-bahsed captain from the Phoenix Warrior days.
I've added some choice bits to make him decorated enough to be a captain, hence the weaponry... he'll never be use din a actual game so it doesn't really matter
inb4 the questions; the helmet is made using a Sternguard helmet and a crest form the new AOS Fyreslayers.
More marines to come soon!
I think I've decided on a scheme for my Imperial Knight too, so that's good
Until then, comment, constructive criticism, general chatter all welcome :3
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