A fan of the paint eh?
So, here is some more!

Carried on the Dark Mech look with red glow on the face and gun.
A bit more detailing to do, and then some basing stuff.
I'm off work for the next couple of weeks, so to celebrate here is something completely different.
A few weeks ago, I decided to paint a Tech Priest Dominus.

Going for a very Dark Mech look for this model...
I should note that this scheme wont be the one I use for my Ad Mech when I get round to them.
This model is finished, so expect more pictures soon!
And we're back to the Salamanders!
Expect me to yo-yo between several projects...I just can't seem to keep my focus on any one at a time.
So, today we have the assault marines that I need for my Skyhammer annihilator force.

2 units of 7. Each with a flamer and Eviscerator
Headless, I know.
I'm working on it!
The army is getting there.
Here is all the infantry so far;

A few bit to add here and there, and I also need like 5 more multi meltas XD
They will have to wait until my trip to forge world for sure.
That's all for now, but expect a new post sooner rather than later!
I told you there would be more updates!
Though this is almost like a demo than a full fledged release.
While at work (what little of it I have left), we somehow ended up talking about stars and painting them onto figures.
I've never attempted it personally, but thought it would be cool to paint them on to a cape or something...
Now, when I envisaged it in my head I didn't think of the little flicks of white on a bluish background that a lot of people do.
I thought of a nebula.
A giant cloud of gas with stars of various sizes and intensities dotted around it, and so, I thought I'd give it a go.
This is the result.
Not bad for a first time I think.
There is a lot of things I would do differently;
More colours, more stars underneath / in amongst the cloud with the 'gas' layer on top.
Overall I'm pretty happy with it :)
That's it for this one.
More stuff soon though!
We're back on the 40k train baby!!
I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry.
There was a good stretch where I just lost enthusiasm for the hobby
again... couple this with moving all of my hobby to another room
(nothing kills a hobby groove like not knowing where anything is
anymore), and painting for work and it just dried up.
I've recently been made redundant too (I'll talk more about this on the Science of selling yourself short soon).
As of the 1st of October I'm officially unemployed, so I've had to look for work.
Weirdly though, this kinda kick started my need to hobby again XD
So, let's see what I've been up to eh?
Post hobby move, I decided to get all of my bits out and get to work...
I didn't quite know what I wanted to do though, then I saw this guy,
still BNIB sitting on top of the pile, and he just had to have the
Salamander treatment.

Nothing drastic, but enough to start.
There is more coming... and soon.
So stay tuned, and refresh your memories by flicking back through the previous posts.
Thanks for checking in, and I'll post again soon!