However, I have decided to strip them down, and start again. Blah blah, new hobby ethos, blah blah.
If you want a nostalgic blast from the past my gang kind of got started around 2011 - Read 'post 2. The rebellion of a promiscuous Princess' here
Here is the highlights;
I have a desperate urge to write some
back story to these ladies (and occasionally gentlemen/lady boys), hence
the title. I'm thinking of having the leader of the gang be the
daughter of some affluent imperial noble from some hive world. This lady
will have a certain taste for the Underhive and its many, *ahem,*
services. She's one of the only noticeably intelligent people in the
gang; this coupled with her access to funding via daddy makes her the
perfect candidate to fit somewhere in a gang hierarchy; seemingly at the
top, but being manipulated by some other agent. I haven't got round to
building this individual yet though so, one to ponder over when I get
round to building her and start writing the back story methinks.
As a general rule I'm going to keep the core story similar.
The leader of my Gang is going to be 'the promiscuous Princess.'
She is not and actual Princess, just a run away noble from an upper hive merchant family. She is strangely attracted to a life of crime and other 'activities' which go on in and around the Underhive.
She is also not the leader of the gang, as in the organisation, just this particular part of it.
The gang itself will be multifaceted. You have the people the 'princess' has recruited; these will be normal Underhive folk; I say normal, I mean normal for lowlife scum.
However, there will be members whom pre-date the 'Princesses' arrival. These original gang members have a greater involvement in the gang.
This section will be part of a secret organisation within the gang; a lodge, or, cult. These cultists are dedicated to subverting the gangs efforts to acquire certain objects, materials, persons and artefacts which the cult needs to carry out their plans.
Essentially, the Original members are Slaaneshi cultists whom seek to bring a warp entity into reality upon their world, so that they may seize control of the system.
The 'Princesses' gang members are unwittingly supporting the cultists endeavours.
Enter my bounty hunter, Dengar Roth. Dengar was just your average bounty hunter.
He's had some nasty run ins in the past and as a result, constantly hides his face.
Some say that this is just sensible practise, other say he hides horrific wounds. No one really knows.
Dengar finds himself put into a situation he is not overly comfortable with; He is recruited by an Inquisitor and his Acolyte whom have suspicions that there is cult activity within the hive. They do not tell Dengar this; instead they concentrate on the 'Princess.'
They know full well who she is and intend to use Dengar to get to her. In doing so they hope to gain more information about the organisation.
If everything goes to plan it would be a fairly simple operation... but in the Underhive, nothing ever goes to plan.
Anyway, enough back story outline gibberish...
I stripped the paint off the gang (Good old fairy power spray!), and got to work basing, rebuilding and throwing in a few new additions.
Check them out!
Dengar Roth and The Princess
The Gang members;
The whole gang.
As for painting, I'm going to avoid the traditional Slaaneshi colours.
I have the over whelming urge to paint them in an 80's theme... gaudy fluorescent colours...
We'll see how it goes.
Anyways, there we go, something different eh?
Stay scummy Underhive.
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