A while back I mentioned I was waiting on some bitz so I could moved forward.
Well, a week or two ago they arrived. I did all the stuff last week, so here it all is broken down into sections.
Real streets have drains right? So mine will too.
After having a mooch around I decided to try a couple of drain types out.
Simply put, for an imperial world, the brass etch drain from the GW urban basing kit is by far the best looking option.
Insert prototype.
So theory time (boo!).
I went out for a walk to figure this out.
On my road drains are roughly 20 curb slabs apart.
In my previous theory post I've stated a slab is approx 3ft long.
3 x 20 = 60 / 2 = 30 cm
A board side is 2 ft / 61 cm = 40 slabs of curb.
So we end up with two drains a side.
Two drains, two board half's. The logical step is to stick them in the middle of each half.
This leaves the drain on the other side. When I was walking around, I saw that drains tended to alternate on each side of the road.
In which case the next logical step is to stick a single drain on the opposite side of the rod, in the middle of the board; the middle of the two drains.
Here's the result;
Drains done!
Next step. Lamp posts.
Same reasoning as the drains.
If you walk down a urban road, you're are fairly likely to find yourself basking in the light provided by a lmap post.
Again, only one option jumped out at me for this;
Cities of death lamp post? YES!
Theory time...
Lampposts turned out to be between 55 - 70 curb slabs apart.
3 x 50 = 150 / 2 = 75cm
3 x 75 = 225 / 2 = 112.5
Quite a large distance. Certainly there can only be one per side of the road, and due to the modular nature of the board having varying positioning of features is not possible. Modularity won out in the end so I decided to have 1 on either side of the road (again, like drains they tend to alternate), and equal distance away from the board edge, and quite far away from each other.
In the end I went for having the lampposts 10cm from the board edge; 50cm apart.
This means that each lamp post will always be 60cm apart from the next lamppost on their side of the road.
Now, I couldn't exactly attach them to board; it wasn't based or painted, and painting them would be a nightmare.
More importantly they were bound to get damaged during storage.
Enter the magnets!
I've put one in each lamppost, and one in their corresponding position on the board; 10 cm in, both sides of the road, on both board half's.
This means that I can detach them at will (painting, storage, to remove obstruction in game...) and it will help to retain the boards modular nature. The board pieces will be able to placed anywhere, and maintain the lampposts distance.
Another feature of your local streets and roads is...
T - H - E - O - R - Y
Very simple this time. there is one every 60 slabs / 2ft (roughly).
So that is 1 per board piece.
The only way to keep the manholes 2 ft away from each other is to put it directly in the middle of the road.
As for what to use there were a few candidates;
A space marine top circular hatch thing...,
The top of a Tau Shield Drone,
An Ork Hatch.
In the end, I went with the most imperial one, The Space Marine ting... pictured here.
I'd post what it looks like, but it is boring as hell.
Anyways folk, that will do for one night.
Some updates will be thrown at you soon. Basing is up probably next on gaming board agenda.
Those big blank squares wont look like urban wasteland on their own.
I will be throwing in something else soon. Think it is about time I revisited some old friends from the Underhive
Until then any comments and/ or criticism would be welcome.
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