Firstly because there will be little to no thematical language, just normal talk,
and secondly because of the content.
I shall explain.
My Girlfriend has long expressed an interest in the hobby. I think it is mainly fuelled by her artistic side, though she seems keen to model and play the games too.
This is an expensive hobby to get into, and an expensive one to mess up.
So I thought I'd lend a helping hand.
We built her first Space Marine together a few months back;
She said that if she collected space marines she'd want to do either Dark Angles, or Black Dragons (cool choices yeah?).
Unfortunately, as cool as the marine is, she wants to collect Tyranids (what is it with ladies and these chitinous monstrosities?).
So, instead of painting power armour I thought it would be better if she learnt to paint on softer edged models;
While I will be painting;
Yes! Blood Bowl! (yet another distraction from what I am actually meant to be doing!).
I've had the box set a long time now, and recently, me and my friends have been playing a lot of board games.
It occurred to me that, if I can get these models finished, then it will be just like another board game; once the lists are written at any rate.
Don't expect an update about these guys soon. But eventually, they will turn up again.
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