Let's get straight to it shall we?
The idea behind the Landspeeder is that it was shot down.
I ripped open the back so it looks like the engine took a hit before it crashed.
The obvious issue here is that with a gaping hole in the back, all you can see is flat grey plastic.
So I had to build a engine/turbine.
My first concept was terrible;
But it gave me the inspiration to make the second;
The unit is made from a wooden cog (I bought a pack from ebay), some plasticard tubing and a... thing... from LEGO Bionical.
I appear to have not taken a picture of the second unit before basing.
So here is the first layer of basing (plus second engine) before undercoating and such;
And then, with the final layer of basing (Terrible picture);
The second engine block is made using the same materials as the first.
I added watch pieces (again, ebay) to make spike/rotating thing (I have no idea what it would be called...)
And there we have it.
Another day, another update!
Just a small one today.
I have been working on other projects... but I'm saving those for later posting material.
If you want a sneak peak head over to My armies of the Imperium WiP post on the B&C
( I know I usually do sneak peaks here first, but I'll be posting a complete version here in one post).
Any comments welcome; feedback, crtique, support or your own experiences making terrain!
You can post them here, in the comments,
On my WiP post on the B&C (linked above)
Or hit me up on Twitter; @DarkHaZZl3
As always thanks for reading!
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