Real life stuff attended to, I am back!
I've got a handful of updates for you over the next few days, both here and on the Bolter&Chainsword.
Last time I posted the finished Land Speeder (pre-painting).
I decided on Salamanders.
Firstly, to get some practise in before I embark on my army,
and second, I thought the green would bland better with the vast amount of grey.
The alternative was doing it in Marines Malevolent colours.
I think the yellow would have jarred with the grey.
This kind of escalated quickly. I really enjoy painting green!
What do you guys think?
Do you reckon green was the right choice?
How do you think the piece is looking overall?
Either comment here, or on the Bolter&Chainsword.
Alternatively hit me up @DarkHaZZl3 on Twitter.
I've only finished the grey bit.
Everything else needs work
I could go into detail as to what needs doing where, but I'll let the next painting update explain that for me!
Until then (or rather, until my next post which will have nothing to do with this Land Speeder) Ciao!
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