Blood Bowl! You heard!
I know, I should be painting other things. Basically I decided if I was going to start painting again I need to wind back into it. I didn't want to jump into a model at a sub par standard.
So procrastination? kind of, but for a decent reason.
Painful time travel? Certainly.
I'm painting an Ork test miniature. If you can cast your mind back to my first Blood Bowl post, 385 days ago (August 8th), you'll probably be able to gather why this isn't the most comfortable. I shouldn't be the one painting these.
But I am.
I was always likely to... but I didn't want it to be under these circumstances.
Life kicks you when your down. But then, isn't that the rules in Blood Bowl?
So here is the prototype Ork so far;
Despite this inauspicious sounding start I really enjoyed painting this guy so far.
I've always found layer Red's and Green's a therapeutic process... and I really like the way he's looking so far.
He is a bit 'clean.' Maybe I'll address that later.
Also, 'll list the colour recipes later, when it is finished and I'm happy with the complete article.
Feedback welcome guys! Don't be shy!!
It would be great to heard about your experiences with Blood Bowl, Painting, and sharing your hobby with you SO/ Former SO.
Hit the comments bellow, or hit me up on Twitter @DarKHaZZl3
This guys is not too far off finished so expect another update or two on him soon!
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