I know it has been to long my friends (and enemies and passers by), but at last, we have some progress.
A short one, but for me, personally, a very satisfying one.
A finished piece of terrain! *Cheers*
I'm hopefully planning to keep this painting ball rolling.
On my desk currently is the crashed Aquilla lander, Coteaz and my Ork Bloodbowl team.
If these go down well, I'll move on to my Escher Gang again and try and finish my Human Bloodbowl team.
There has been a lot of changes in the world of 40k since I started this Piece of terrain;
New Rules, New Grey Knights...
I'm in the process of cobbling together a wargamming group, so hopefully that will drive my urge to hobby.
Indeed this is the fruit of those labours so far.
Stay tuned for more updates, and/or/please head over to The science of selling yourself short for my 'IRL' blog and also to catch up on 'The Cardboard Cartographer,' my board gaming blog, which is back to updating fairly regularly (fingers crossed).
In the mean time please feel free to leave my some feedback on this, and/or other stuff on The Underhive Hero.
Comment on this post, on my Armies of the Imperium Wip thread on the Bolter and Chainsword, or hit me up @DarKHaZZl3 on Twitter.
Thanks for reading.
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