I finally got my new painting stuff!
Some Isopropyl, Alcohol based brush cleaner, synthetic miniature painting brushes and a few vial/pippet dropper combo's.
So the Liquid Copper kind of looks like this
Lets get started!
After watching a load of videos on this stuff I was ready to roll.
First you shake the paint very, very well.
Then you pour some into a pallet and close the bottle asap.
After that take some Isopropyl and use it to thin the paint.
And go!
So far it is just the base Copper washed down with strong tone.
The Cape is a couple of layers of foundation red.
Ready for the never ending layers of red!
The Liquid Copper has great coverage...kind of made me very aware of how poor the casting of this miniature is...
Ah well.
I might paint some more of him this coming week. Been really tired this week though, so who knows.
Anyway, Peace out
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