Unless you are a fan of production line painting, in which case, huzzaaah!
While I wait for an opportunity to go out and get some Agrellan Earth to paint the cracked effect on my crashed Aquila (see previous post), I've been cracking on with my Ork Blood Bowl team.
So, enjoy!
First batch of picture is just base layers.
A quick silver drybrush;
Base layers of Mechrite red, Calthan/ Scorched brown and Fenris grey;
Painting the tabbards Khemri brown/Dheneb Stone;
Moving on to the first layers.
I do these before my initial shading wash to touch up anywhere I messed up on the base layers and to give the colours a bit more depth.
So the first step was the red. 50/50 Mechrite Red + Scab Red;
Then it is on to the biggie. The green.
A 1:1:1 mix of Orkhide shade, Knarloc green and Dark Angels green
Haven't finished the greens yet, so that, along with the other first layers will be the next port of call for the Blood Bowl updates.
A long way to go as after shading it lots of layers and highlights and details.
But it is starting to take shape =]
Once these guys are done I'll have to go back to the human team!
And/or all the other projects I have that are being ignored...
We'll see.
Leave some feedback, stories, tips/tricks and constructive criticisms if you so desire.
You can comment on the relevant post, or hit me up @DarkHaZZl3 on Twitter.
Until next time, thanks for reading
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