Anyway, more painting has been done.
Once I'd finished those Lampposts I just picked up the next project on the project tray I had from when I was last painting.
That project was my Sisters of Battle Aegis Defence Line Quad Gun.
If you don't remember what it looked like, you can scroll back through the pages, or click the 'A Road to Glory' label to see all of my Sisters of Battle blog posts
Alternativly, you can just go here - http://theunderhiveh...ll-sisters.html
I just started layering the various colours; Purple, Green, Gold and Bone.
Here is where I'm at;
With a bit more light
Cameras never really pick out highlights very well, that being said it is quite light and subtle.
It still pops a lot more than it used to.
Almost done.
I just wnat to pick out some details, maybe add a couple of highlights, and find the clear plastic bubble screen thing to go on the front.
Another update down!
Next stop = ?
Until then
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