Words, words, words.
Since finishing the Princess I thought I'd crack on with the rest fo the gang.
After all, with how few models a Necromunda gang has I might actually finish this project!
Speaking of finish, here are a couple more of the gang done!
Shotgun ganger;
I tried to base her colour palette on Zoe from firefly.
I mean, she's a badass lady from the far future in a lot of leather and armed with a shotgun.
Next up we have a Juve;
In all seriousness, I just wanted to do pastel orange on something.
It suits the 80's/90's feel.
Very happy with the way the juve turned out.
I wasn't sold on the face to start with, but now I think she looks like she has a bit of sass about her.
I'm working on more, but my pace has started to slow down again.
Heavy painting times at work of late I guess.
Anyway, that's all for today.
More soonish hopefully.
Until then fuggers.
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