So I've done a lot of work on my Tzeentch Chaos army for Age of Sigmar.
(Sorry 40k fans)
I can't remember if I said it, but I'll say it again; I'm basing my army around The Silver Tower...
Or rather the ruins of it.
After the Gaunt Summoner's plans were foiled by a band of adventurers, the magic forces keeping The Silver Tower functioning dissipated.
With the destruction of the Tower, the Gaunt Summoner called out across the realms of magic for allies.
Mortal followers of Tzeentch flocked to an the daemonic avatar of their deity, while daemons were summoned into being to wage war his the Gaunt Summoners behalf.
That's it.
Silver Tower...but a bit fucked.
So with that in mind I wrote up a 1k list (pitched battle is so much easier to organise)and set about building and basing the list (I'll post it in another post).
The Warriors got their basses done (minus the crackle paint, which will come later).
I've done some greenstuff on some of the basses (push molds of various bitz and pieces), as well as some patterns cut from thing plasticard to mimic the banding the Silver Tower boards have in the background.
The rest is Cork and various grits of sand to represent rubble.
As well as my own basses I've thrown in a few shattered dominion basses as they fit The Silver Tower theme really well.
As well as the warriors, I built/ based all of the characters from the list.
Exalted Hero:
I really wanted a base to mirror his pose; something heavily in the same direction he's pointing to give it a bit more gravitas, and with a bit of elevation to explain the billowing cape.
Chaos Sorcerer:
Given all of my characters are going to be slightly raised, I felt it was only fair this diminutive guy got a bit of a height boost too.
Also, he is kinda looking down, so the added height means the pose makes more sense.
The green stuff on his back is a push mold from the Burning Chariot of Tzeetch's Disc.
Gaunt Summoner/ Tzeentch Herald:
On foot;
I first started collecting Tzeentch for Age of Sigmar when the Generals Handbook came out.
We we're running a campaign in store (the summer of war world wide campaign to be exact) and we were encouraged to collect an army for it.Back then trying to run a mono Tzeentch daemon list was doable, but terrible, so this guy was my Tzeentch Herald.
Now I've given up on that idea, he's my Gaunt Summoner.
The runic greenstuff is a push mold of Eldrad Ulthuan's base from Deathmask.
Made from a Chaos Sorcerer lord model, some bitz from the burning chariot/ Tzeentch herald on Chariot and some green stuff tentacles to tie it in with the Horror aesthetic.
On disc;
I have no idea where I found that crystal.
That's all for now.
Next up on the chopping block is some Daemons and a Gorebeast Chariot!
Also, a lot of painting....
Feedback/ conversation and constructive criticism welcome!
Until next time
As an Armies of the Imperium fan, I obviously had to get the first Triuvirate.
Inquisition, Ad Mech and Sisters of Battle?
I set about building the Sisters first (I did actually build Grefax first, but ya'know)
They're a bit fiddly, especially Celestine.
But I got there.
Here they are, with my marble style basses to go with them;

The eagle eyed of you will recognise that base from a previous post, which can be found here!
Yes, I canabalaised my old Celestine base for the new one.
Fear not though, the old one will be getting a new base...I'm not abandoning her just yet!
All that's left is various girts of sand and cork dust to make the rubble and they're ready to be primed,
I am stuck in two minds weather to keep them in their original colours,
or to use something different that will tie them into my current Sisters
of Battle more.
It'll be a good while before I paint them, so I've got time XD
That's all for now.
I've been plugging along with my Age of Sigmar Tzeentch chaos (still a mouthful) army.
I kinda got carried away with the Exalted Hero of Chaos though XD
He's done irl, I'll upload the final pictures in a separate post though, but he is the 'last' Wip shots of him for y'all to enjoy.
Those of you who follow me on Instgram will have already seen a few of these pictures (and some more besides).
But what you get here is a bit more of an in depth write up on what I've done, how I did it and what the plan is moving forward.
From the black undercoat, the whole model was painted dark blue (Necron Abyss) towards the bottom and dark purple (Liche/Xereus Purple & Chaos/Abbadon Black) towards the top.
After that it was simply a case of stippling gradually lighter shades of Liche/Xereus Purple through to Warlock Purple/ Screamer Pink and then mixing Bleached Bone/Screaming Skull into to it for a more pastel look
When appropriate (read as: guess) the figure was shaded with Leviathan Purple/ Druchi Violet, Asurmen Blue/ Drakenhof Nightshade and/ or Baal Red/ Carroburg Crimson (mainly the later for the bright parts, and the others for the darker parts)
One I was happy (enough at any rate) it was a case of adding the 'Stars.'
This was done with an exceptionally light/ pastel pink and stippled on, with a few larger dots painted on.
As the armour on this guy turned out a lot more purple than I'd planned, I decided to add the blue back in by painting the cape an exceptionally dark blue/ almost black highlighted blue.
We'll come back to the rest of the details shortly.
I wanted to tie the figure back into the rest of the army.
While most of this will be done with the basing (something I've invested a lot of time into), I wanted their to be a presence on the rest of the figure.
I started with the weapons; the disc on my burning chariot is a mix of silver, gold and metallic blue (something that I will post later/ is on my instagram if you're curious)
So I went with that scheme.
The base is where most of the cohesive elements in this army will come from.
The Tzeentch mob will be an eclectic mix of colours, and this will be the main constant in the army.
As I want to use the models I've built for The Silver Tower boardgame, I decided to theme all of my basses around that.
The rest of the details are pretty standard;
Bones are bone coloured, Leather is brown, Steel is silver and the ornaments are gold.
The fur is blue grey to tie it back into the bluish tint that's evident in most colours in this paintjob
And that's it.
Next time you see this guy he'll be all done (as he already is XD)
As usual, all constructive comment, conversation and feedback is welcome.
Feel free to leave me a comment on here, Instagram or Twitter.
Also, don't forget to check out my Twitch and YouTube too!
Until next time
One of the most fundamental questions when starting a new army is; 'how do I paint them?'
Do you go for an established scheme, or do you try something new?
With 40k I find I'm a lot more reserved; I like to either use something pre-existing (like my Salamaders), or keep it simple (like my Sisters of Battle).
With this Tzeentch army I thought I be a bit more bold and experiment a little.
After thinking on the issue a while, these are the schemes I came up with.
I'm a fan of all of them (some more than others, but I thought I'd take a moment to speak on each of them, to give you an idea of my thought process.
Teal/ Turquoise
I thought a slightly bastardised version of the new Thousands Sons scheme might be nice.
I'm not a fan of this scheme on actual Thousands Sons for lore reasons, but it does look nice, and is quite striking.
Not only the classic Thousands Sons colour, but also half of the generic Tzeentch colours (Blue and Pink).
A little darker, which suits chaos, and a lot easier to play on high contrasts (orange and pink mainly).
Green & Silver.
This one may seem like an odd colour for Tzeentch, but let me fill you in on my reasoning.
Despite how nice Blue's look, I am kinda sick of seeing those schemes.
So I wanted to try something different.
The colour concept behind this scheme came form the Adrian Smith Tzeentch sorcerer artwork in the 3.5 Chaos codex
I kinda like this scheme, but I don't feel as if it has enough of a Tzeentch feel to it, and I certainly don't think it does Adrian's artwork justice.
Nebula/ Blue and Fuschia.
This one is actually inspired by myself (See )
Messing with space and time is kinda Tzeentch's deal, so I feel the stray nebula encapsulates that feeling rather well.
Blue and pinky purple are exceptionally Tzeentchy colours too.
This scheme is easily my favorite, and the one I'll be using for this army.
My one worry is consistency; while it'll be kinda cool that each model will look slightly different, I am worried that I wont be able to replicate this scheme consistently in term sof quality.
I reckon I'ma fuck it up a lot...
Ah well...
That's all for now guys.
Substantial building progress is on the way soon though (I've been doing a lot of basing XD)
So stay tuned for more updates.
If you can't wait, go check out my Instagram is I end up posting what I'm currently working on
As usual feel free to leave constructive feedback on here or @DarkHaZZl3 on Twitter!
Until next time!
Another update!!
I know.
It is a bit of a cheat, considering I've done a fair bit, and am just rationing out updates XD
Ah well.
After basecoating all of my Battle Sisters I was pretty burnt out on
them, so I decided to do some other painting bits and pieces as a
I moved on to something Sisters of Battle related at the very least.
So, you guys may or may not know, when I built my army initially it was designed to have Uriah Jacobs in my list.
(here is a link to the whole built army back then - A road to glory that never seems to catch a break)
So as my break from Sisters of Battle, I decided to paint up Jacobs with a squad of Imperial Priests.
As with Jacobs, my priests are a mix of Empire/ Free People Flagellants
from WFB/AoS, Necromunda redemptionists and Imperial guard bits.

A bit of a close up so you can see what they're like (also I really like how I painted the hair on this one)
The scheme may look like a generic red priest scheme, but is actually based on some real life stuff, most notably Jacobs.
Cookie to whoever can guess what it is from
As always Constructive comments, criticism, feedback/ general related conversation welcome.