I know.
It is a bit of a cheat, considering I've done a fair bit, and am just rationing out updates XD
Ah well.
After basecoating all of my Battle Sisters I was pretty burnt out on them, so I decided to do some other painting bits and pieces as a 'break.'
I moved on to something Sisters of Battle related at the very least.
So, you guys may or may not know, when I built my army initially it was designed to have Uriah Jacobs in my list.
(here is a link to the whole built army back then - A road to glory that never seems to catch a break)
So as my break from Sisters of Battle, I decided to paint up Jacobs with a squad of Imperial Priests.
As with Jacobs, my priests are a mix of Empire/ Free People Flagellants from WFB/AoS, Necromunda redemptionists and Imperial guard bits.
A bit of a close up so you can see what they're like (also I really like how I painted the hair on this one)
The scheme may look like a generic red priest scheme, but is actually based on some real life stuff, most notably Jacobs.
Cookie to whoever can guess what it is from
As always Constructive comments, criticism, feedback/ general related conversation welcome.
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