Hey guys,
This update comes from my phone. Something to pass the time on the bus.
Sorry for the lack of updates recently, but I have found my hobby efforts frustrated of late.
Firstly, I thought I had misplaced my heavy bolter Retributors power packs, only to realise that they are the same as normal sisters.
Secondly, just as I have finished my sisters army (building at any rate), GW release a new codex! Admittedly it is a PDF only, but an update never the less. Back to the drawing board? Only time will tell.
I have been hobbying in absence of updating my armies.
I did some work on my gaming board... but I'm saving the update on that for when I've finished the current stage.
I have also done some work on my Human blood bowl team!
So expect an update on that soon.
Until then.