But first; excuses and shameless plug!
I've been busy trying to buy battle fleet Gothic stuff (so, so hard these days!)
I also posted a new board game review on The science of selling yourself short - http://darkhazzl3.blogspot.com/
To top it all off my mouse is playing up.
This Landspeer is in your underhive, smashing up your buildings.
Just layers and some highlighting done.
Also some weathering.
I'm really pleased with how the mud effect came off on, especially on the destroyed wing in the bottom of picture three.
I did overdo the highlighting on the intact wing though...
The photo quality does wash out the clarity of the highlights.
That said I don't want to go over the top. It isn't meant to be the brightest of places...
Next steps for this are;
Adding the gold and brass trim to the destroyed floor tile and Landspdeer respectively.
Adding some Salamander Iconography to the hull of the Landspdeer,
Painting the interior and the engine.
I'll finish it all off with some battle damage on the speeder, water effects for the mud and gloss varnish for the marble floor tile.
So yeah. That is all for now.
Feedback welcome, as always.
You can hit me up here, or @DarKHaZZl3 on twitter.
Thanks for reading!
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