A little foreshadowing here.
Back in 2009 I started working for Games Workshop. It was awesome (most of the time).
When I first started 40K was running in 4th edition, and the starter set was The Battle for Macragge.
I didn't get a copy, because I was already building up a crazy amount of Space Marines.
The summer I joined saw the introduction of 5th edition, and the Assault on Black Reach est.
Now I don't know if you've ever been to a Games Workshops tore (you totally should), but they have an 'open copy' of the current starter set so you can see what is inside, which is really usefull for new gamers.
I digress...
The old 4th edition open copy was thrown in the stores Bitz box. This is exactly as awesome as it sounds, and will undoubtedly make an appearance in a future story.
I asked my then manager if I could nab some stuff from the set that I'd missed... namely the terrain.
So I did... and I've done nothing with it for all this time... 5 YEARS!
I've finally got round to painting it!
So here is the wip;
The model is already lightly textured, but I did add some extra rubble to tie in with my Urban ruin theme.
The metals are done in a rough fashion to help give an aged and beaten feel.
There are many ways to do this, but I thought I'd do it in homage to one of my former co-workers.
This is the Sam Mouzer method of painting metal
First off, undercoat the model black,
Then follow that with an extremely heavy drybrush of tin bitz,
Then a lighter coat boltgun metal,
And that'd usually do it....
But I added an even lighter coat of chainmail,
and finally very lightly with mithril silver.
Finish it off with a wash of a desired colour to shade it where necessary.
This was done on all the ship parts.
Those parts that have colour were painted on top this...
The red is just a base of foundation red, and then progressive layers of red; from scad to blood.
For those wondering I used the Forgeworld colours as the inspiration for my colour scheme.
You'll have to either check out this link HERE or Google it as,
A) I don't own one (painted or otherwise),
B) Forgeworld have discontinued the complete model,
C) The best Google image is far too large for this blog and I cba to scale it down/ don't own the rights to it...
So that's another project added to my huge list of things to do....
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