Welcome back to the Underhive you general scummy individuals! (And all the normal people, you're welcome
too I guess)
More painting.
I'm doing little bits at a time.
Still can't fully get into the groove, so I'm painting in between playing games (mainly turns in civilization 5 and rounds in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare).
Moving on!
More painting.
I'm doing little bits at a time.
Still can't fully get into the groove, so I'm painting in between playing games (mainly turns in civilization 5 and rounds in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare).
Moving on!
Terrible picture. Going for a very pale Caucasian look (think Ginger stereotype; Super pale and bright orange hair. That is essentially the plan).
Funnily enough she nicknamed 'The Slayer,' after the Dwarves haha.
Next up is Zoe
Yup. I did some more work on her. I'm basing her look on the fatigues the Zoe from Firefly wears during the war (you can catch her in it in the very first episode).
As the rebels we're called the 'Brown Coats,' I wanted it to be brown. Has to settle for a tan kind of colour for the base. I imagine it will darken with progressive shading.
The red Shoulder pad is a nod to her scarf and future outfits in the show.
I'm undecided on how I feel about it. I like that it is subtle, but I don't think it is striking enough.
Thoughts here would be appreciated!
Another skin tone for you guys...
Very red/brown. This is the base colour for 'Mongolian' according to the skin tone guide I linke din my previous post.
It builds from brown, through red and ends up pale flesh.
If it works, I'll be amazed.
The last picture for this post is this girl...
I haven't actually painted the gang member that much, but I have finished the rusted up barrel she is hiding behind.
I used Tamiya clear Green to emulate some toxic goop leaking from the bullet holes, thought I think it could do with a couple of extra layers and maybe some highlights.
I though it might give the scene a bit more of a wasteland feel.
It is the Underhive after all.
That is all for this post
Thoughts so far?
Hit me up with a comment or a tweet @DarKHaZZl3 on Twitter.
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