Sarcasm does not work on the internet you say?
Well then...
Yeah. It sucks.
I decided to try my hand at painting marble for the basses my Sisters of Battle.
We start with two types of undercoat.
Black and white.
Quick comment. Black doesn't work very well... moving on.
I honestly didn't know what I was doing here, except for using a lot of layers... so I googled.
Oh how I googled.
I viewed many a tutorial, and then I found this - seemed reasonable so I thought I'd give it a go
Using the colours in the guide (or close enough at any rate) I came up with this for the first step.
I know. The picture isn't that helpful.
But seriously. There is no easy way to photograph that thing!!
I thought it looked like a good start. Nothing like the guide really, but still and reasonable beginning.
So then I moved on to the veins and glaze/washes...
Looking back it isn't really that bad. I think using such a dark brown glaze was a mistake, and I should have used such a less vivd purple.
I think in future attempts I'll use something darker/ mix it with brown.
however, at the time I made the stupid attempt of carrying on instead of calling it a day....
Totally ruined it.
So there you have it!
Hobbing isn't always bells whistles and happy days.
Sometimes painting ends in abject failure.
Though I have learned a thing or two.
Back to the drawing board with the marble then!
If you have experience in the art of painting marble effects then please, drop me a line.
Also, any other comments, suggestions, criticisms and all that jazz more than welcome.
You know the drill by now; Follow the blog, leave me a comment or hit me up @DarkHaZZl3 on Twitter.
Taanks for reading.
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