Following in my rich vein of form (and terrible puns)...
This update is about the board.
So. If you want to follow along;
You will need:
- PO210 00/H0 Self Adhesive Paving - found here: http://www.metcalfem...adhesive-paving
- PVA glue - While the tiles are self adhesive, the adhesive quality is poor. Glue them down.
- Tea Stirrers (See previous post about making the curb)
- Curved curb pieces (See previous post about curved curb pieces; I made a press mould of mine)
Lets do this!
So the first thing I wanted to do was figure out how exactly to build the bit where the two straight pavements meet.
This involved a lot of terrible prototypes, this was the best (before the one I was eventually to use).
The main problem here is that the pavement slabs don't match the same pattern as the pavement pattern I have previously used.
So I came up with a better idea;
These are the two slab patterns used to make my pavement. I've glued them to a piece of paper, and cut them out.
this way I can check the width of my pavement at any time.
Using this, I came up with this, which incidentally is...
Step 1;
Attach the above to the board. DO NOT GLUE ANYTHING DOWN (This is just in case you find something doesn't fit/ does fit better when you personally attempt this).
That weird curved bit? That is the 'frame' the tiles come with. The width is the same as a narrow slab.
This makes your template/boundary for the curved part of the pavement.
Step 2;
Using these boundaries, build the pavement as normal until you reach the apex of the corner.
Step 3;
This is where it starts to get complicated. You can no longer lay down equal length of tile.
the slabs until they fit can be quit tricky, and they will never fit
exactly right, so you kinda just have to man up and deal with it not
being perfect (this made me a very sad panda).
If you follow my pictures bellow you should be reasonably okay.
Step 4;
Step 5;
Step 6;
Glue it all down, except for the 'weird curved bit.'
previously stated, when I did this I found some tiles didn't fit
exactly right, and I managed to tweak my original design a little to
make it fit better.
You should be able to replace the 'weird curved
bit' with the relevant slabs, as per the slab pattern that has been used
The only exception to this is the apex of the curve.
This should be made from the apex of the 'weird curved bit.' It may have to cut into a tile a little to fit snugly.
See bellow.
Step 7;
Glue inside curb down and carry on with pavement.
Inisde curve done!
The outside curve should be roughly the same.
if the above seemed way too fiddly for your liking, I prepared a
different way of doing it (which, due to my outside curve being slightly
larger than my inside curve, I had to use).
Step 8;
Prepare outside curve.
To do this I super glued the pieces down on to a piece of paper first, and then just cut it out.
Step 9;
Glue this curved piece down.
You need to match the right angle corner with where the two curbs meet on the inside.
you do this there will be a large amount of space between the piece
you've just glued down, and the curved curb. Don't worry about it.
We fix that in...
Step 10;
Remember that 'weird curved bit? It kinda makes a comeback.
(Apologies for the upside down picture).
Basically take that corner and cut it to size.
know it doesn't fit in with the rest of the pavement, but it you
replaced it with slabs you would break the slab pattern anyway, so it is
kind of a no win situation anyway.
I think I plan on putting something here. Suggestions as to what are welcome. So far all I can think of is a crash barrier.
Anyway, moving on to....
Step 11;
Carry on with the pavement as per usual, adding the outside curb.
And there you have it!
Curved pavement complete.
step is sand (which there wont be a step by step for because I have
already covered it in a previous post), and then it is onto painting
(and maybe some more detailing).
That is all for one day haha :P.
C&C welcome!