#ThrowbackThursdayYep. I'm revisiting an old project (pretty much the theme of my life right?).
And this, the first post is technically the third?
Throw Reboot on the title, and we're back to square 1!
Ramble = Done.
For those of you who don't follow my Work in Progress thread on The Bolter and Chainsword this all makes no sense right now.
So first off, you should go check that shit out you deek! (Link on the left < of the page).
Secondly, and possibly more importantly (as both you and I are lazy no doubt) I'll recap it all here for you.
Back on the 9th of September 2011 I decided to bring all of my various Work in Progress threads under one title.
To keep it simple and clean.
My first post (post introduction) was the start of my Inquisitor Coteaz for my current army in progress at the time; The Grey Knights.
I decided I hated the current models pose; The Cyber-Eagle really bugged me, and his hammer was not epic enough.
So I cut him up a bit.
Afterwards I wondered how I'd represent the Eagle and such (#WYSIWYG).
Eventually I came upon this concept; sod the Eagle!
So this is what I came up with...
This depicts Coteaz later in his career; the trials of being a Malleus Inquisitor start to take its toll.
The constant battles with Daemons and the forces that besiege the Imperium have left him worn.
His signature artefacts lost or destroyed, he now relies on his impressive psychic abilities to forge onward. But it isn't enough.
He has to delegate power across the sector he occupies which eases the burden, allowing him to travel more freely.
Yet with the fall of the Cadian gate the forces of the warp grow ever more powerful.
Coteaz finds that, in order to keep up, the rigid puritan views he once held are starting to crack and crumble. He has to use methods that in his prime he denounced as heretical.
His force staff is imbued with psychic technology that far surpasses the levels of human intellect.
this potent weapoin amplifies his powers allowing him to strike with the same power he once did with his hammer, while at the same time attuning his senses to the reality that surrounds him (This for game purposes would serve to replace the thrice dammed Cyber-Eagle).Foreshadowing done!That is kind of as far as I got.
With the new Grey Knight codex out I decided to start painting him.
I wanted to paint him in line with the 'ageing' idea in this potential future; aged, battered, needing rest and repair.
So I prepared him for painting...

and I picked up some Vallejo Liquid metals for the job.

Anyone used these?
Well I hadn't, and still haven't.
I did learn a few things though...
Liquid metal is alcohol based.... and has a bunch more metal chips in than your metallic acrylics.
What does this mean?
A ) You can't thin the paint with water. It doesn't react well with the alcohol, or the metal.
You end up with dry paint and a brush covered in stiff metal chips..
On that note
B ) It is really hard to clean in water because of this.
C ) Also if water makes constant contact with the paint in the pot it will rust. Seriously.
So you need alcoholic thinner and alcoholic cleaner.
This throws up another problem
You can't use sable brushes. The combination of alcohol and heavy metal will ruin them.
So I've now purchased the thinner, the cleaner and a set of high quality synthetic brushes...
Should have Googled that a bit better the first time round...Anyway that is it for now.
I have another post going up almost immeditly after this, so check it out.